Monday, August 23, 2010

my new bike

Isn't she pretty? Liberty of London made them for Target. They started selling some a few months ago, but sold out crazy fast. They came out with a second edition and I was lucky enough to snag one before they were gone.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


A couple weekends ago I completed my first half marathon. Just a few months ago I never would have been able to picture myself being able to run 13.1 miles. I could hardly even run a mile. But I did it! I finished in 2:10. I was hoping to get under 2 hours, but i'll just have to make that my next goal for my next race. Although I wasn't as prepared as I should have been, I felt surprisingly good throughout the race. It was so nice to have my friends Michael and Lloyd there running it with me. Especially Michael who ran along side me the whole time. He even kept up at miles 11-13 when he was dying, and I had a sudden burst of energy and was pretty much sprinting. (Realized later it was most likely from the GU gel packets they were handing out that turned out to have caffeine). That stuff worked like magic.

It was a really amazing experience. I loved running though the streets of San Francisco in the overcast, cool weather with thousands of other runners. Although I could hardly walk for the two days after the race, I'm already looking forward to running it again next year!

Friday, April 16, 2010

this week

Went to this gem of a bakery last weekend in Yountville (Napa Valley). Owned by the same chef as French Laundry. Thomas Keller is a genius. Chocolate macarons and TKO cookies were to die for.

I've started playing Words with Friends (scrabble type game) on my ipod touch. Highly addicting. I've also discovered Pandora online radio. Makes the work day much more enjoyable.

A new show called 9 by Design is on Bravo that I watched this week. It kind of makes me want to have 7 kids and name one Breaker or Wolfgang and call him Wolfie.

Moving is not a very fun process.

I ran for about an hour straight last night, furthest I've run yet. I was pretty proud of myself. Except my legs aren't too happy today.

Everyone needs to see Date Movie, Tina Fey and Steve Carell are hilarious. Also, if you aren't watching Modern Family yet, you should probably go to Hulu and start watching. Probably the funniest show on tv now.

Even though it doesn't start till July, I'm really excited for the World Cup. I wish our country would get more excited for soccer like the rest of the world does, rather than football or baseball.

Organix Pomegrante Green Tee Shampoo and Conditioner is like heaven in a bottle. Best smell ever.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

recipe for beauty

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”

Audrey Heburn

new love

I've been waiting for this for awhile and it's actually been a desire of mine, not actually sure if it would happen or not.

But it did!

I enjoy running now! I never undstood how people could enjoy it and just thought they were crazy. I went for a 3.5 mile run a couple days ago and actually kind of loved it. Who would've thought!?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Food, Inc.

I watched the movie Food, Inc. a couple days ago, and think everyone should watch this movie to get a better understanding of where our food comes from. It takes a behind the scenes look at the food industry and how they treat their animals, and yes, it is scary. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at beef the same way again. Once you see this move, you'll understand. Did you know most of the beef we eat is cleaned with ammonia?? From now on, I'm going to try my hardest just to eat organic meat. Trust me, once you see this movie, you will too.

Sorry McDonald's I'll never be able to eat your hamburger, even if you are dressed in Burberry or Chanel (like during fashion week).

images via cool hunter